Mack перевод имя

[mæk] сокр. от mackintosh 1

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «mack» в других словарях:

  • Mack — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alexander Mack (1679–1735), deutscher Religionsführer (Church of the Brethren) Allison Mack (* 1982), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Big Derill Mack, deutscher Rapper Bill Mack (* 1932), US amerikanischer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mack — can refer to:Business*Mack Trucks, a truck maker *Mack Group, a manufacturing company *Mack Brewery, a Norwegian brewery *MACK Rides, a German ride manufacturerurname* Allison Mack * Burton L. Mack, American theologian * Cecil Mack * Connie Mack… …   Wikipedia

  • Mack 10 — Имя при рождении Дедрик Ролисон Дата рождения 9 августа 1971(1971 08 09) (41 год) Место рождения Инглвуд, США …   Википедия

  • Mack 10 — est un rappeur américain de la West Coast et dit Gangsta. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Discographie 2.1 Albums 2.2 Singles …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mack 10 — Datos generales Nacimiento 9 de Agosto, 1971 (39 años) Origen Inglewood, California, Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mack — Mack, ein Wort, welches nur in der in den niedrigen Sprecharten üblichen R.A. Hack und Mack vorkommt, d.i. geringer Pöbel aller Art unter einander, auch wohl von schlechten durch einander gemischten leblosen Dingen. S. Hack. Mack scheinet von dem …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • Mack — proprietary name for a brand of heavy automobile trucks, named for brothers John M., Augustus F., and William C. Mack, who established Mack Brothers Company, N.Y., N.Y., in 1902. Their trucks formally known as Mack Trucks from 1910 …   Etymology dictionary

  • mack — n. A {mackintosh}; a shortened form. Syn: macintosh, mackintosh, mac. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mack — Mack, österr. General, s. Mack von Leiberich …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mack — Mack, 1) Karl M., Freiherr von Leiberich, geb. 1752 zu Neuslingen m Franken, von niederer Herkunft, trat früh in österreichische Militärdienste, wurde Offizier u. zeichnete sich in dem Türkenkriege unter Laudon so aus. daß er schnell emporstieg u …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Mack — Mack, Karl, Freiherr M. von Leiberich, österreich. General, geb. 24. Aug. 1752 zu Nenslingen in Franken, gest. 22. Okt. 1828 zu St. Pölten in Niederösterreich, trat 1770 in österreichische Dienste, wurde 1778 Adjutant Kinskys, dann Lacys, focht… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

The meaning of the name Mack is: From a surname that was originally a shortened form of various Gaelic surnames beginning with Mac or Mc (from Gaelic mac meaning «son»). It is also used as a generic slang term for a man.

Mack: character, advantages and disadvantages

The character of the name Mack is associated with action and activity, incessant forward movement. The spirit of the pioneer, freedom and independence prevails here. Mack gives the impression of a born leader. The disadvantages include excessive authority and braggadocio, Mack likes to hide his true feelings from others behind a mask of inflated self-esteem. Despite leadership qualities, it requires understanding that the leader is not always the first, but often the lone one. Without the support and recognition of others, relatives, friends and friends, even the most charismatic leaders will experience serious life difficulties, primarily in relationships with other people.

Compatible names with the name Mack

Also check the compatibility of other names with the name Mack.

Numerology for the name Mack

The number of the name Mack is one (1): it is characteristic of active, energetic, brave people, they are confident in their success, always ready for quick decisions and spontaneous actions. There are many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs among people with the name.

At the same time, they tend to act within the framework of already developed patterns and stereotypes. People with the name Mack they often rely on the advice and achievements of other people, which allows us to conclude that there is a great potential for developing their own creative inclinations.

the Number one (1) fully justifies its name in relationships: the conviction of their attractiveness and captivating appearance combined with a domineering, sometimes domineering, character,Mack and in sexual life behaves selfishly, demanding complete submission from the partner, not paying attention to his desires. The choice of a lover or mistress is made exclusively by themselves, sometimes rudely refusing to other admirers.

Stones of the number 1 for the name Mack: amber, demantoid, topaz, fluorite, carnelian, aventurine, Heliodorus.

Planet (star) of the number 1: the Sun.

Zodiac Signs of the number 1: Leo, Aries.

Good years for the name: 1900, 1909, 1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017, 2026.

More: numerology for the name Mack

Meaning of letters in the name Mack

M — M brings out a person’s ingenuity and independence. It introduces creative thinking skills to enhance productivity and efficiency.
A — the A represents confidence, independence, and proactivity. As part of a name, it influences people with both leadership and motivation.
C — creative and communicative energies are carried in by C. As part of a name, it can make a person charming, inspirational, and expressive.
K — a powerful force of intuition is associated with K. It influences a person with strong instincts and an ability to work well with others.

Famous people with name Mack

Connie Mack
Thomas & Mack Center
Mack Trucks
Mack Gordon
Mack Sennett
Mack the Knife
Klaus Mack
Mack Brown




Family Education

Baby names background

Mack is of Scottish origin meaning «Charming.»

Boy name origins & meanings

  • Latin : The greatest
  • Scottish : Charming

Boy name variations

How Popular Is The Name Mack

Family name origins & meanings

  • Scottish (Berwickshire) and Irish : from the Old Norse personal
    name Makkr, a form of Magnus (Old Irish Maccus).
  • North German, Dutch, and French (Alsace) : from the
    Germanic personal name Macco, Makko, a pet form of a
    compound name with the initial element māg- ‘kinsman’.
  • Shortened form of
    any of the many Scottish and Irish names beginning M(a)c-.

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Is Sheldon or Mack there?

Sheldon является ли или Макинтош там?



имя собственное





Mack, how you doing, my man?

Мэк, как твои дела, друг мой?





Cuz that’s hope, Mack.

Потому-что это надежда Мак.


Контексты с «mack»

Cuz that’s hope, Mack.
Потому-что это надежда Мак.

Mack, how you doing, my man?
Мэк, как твои дела, друг мой?

Is Sheldon or Mack there?
Sheldon является ли или Макинтош там?

Snap out of it, Mack!
Борись с этим, Мак!

Mack, Lannon, Banks, take forward position.
Мэк, Лэннон, Бэнкс, занять передние позиции.


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What does Mack mean?

[ 1 syll. mac(k), ma-ck ] The baby boy name Mack is sometimes used as a girl name. It is pronounced as MaeK †. Mack is used chiefly in the English and Scandinavian languages, and its origin is Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, and Latin.

Mack is a variant spelling of the name Mac (English and Scottish) in the English language.

Mack is also a variant of the name Macdougal (English).

Mack is also a variant of the name Macmurray (English).

Mack is also a diminutive form of the name Magnus (English, German, and Scandinavian) in the English and Scandinavian languages.

Mack is also a variant of the name Maximilian (English and German) in the English language.

See also the related categories, english, latin, scandinavian, and irish.

Mack is a classic favorite. At present it is still a fairly popular baby name for boys, though not to the extent it was in the past. In 1900, 0.154% of baby boys were given the name Mack. It ranked at #96 then. The baby name has since experienced a steep loss in popularity, and in recent years it is of infrequent use. In 2018, its usage was only 0.022% and its ranking #632, but it was nonetheless the 2nd most popular after Maximilian, among all boy names in its group. In 2018, it was used 60% more than Mack. In the past century Mack has mostly been a baby boy name.

Baby names that sound like Mack include Mac, Mak, Maas, Macay, Mace, Machk, Macks, Macs, Maghee, Mahesh, Maies, Maik, Maj, Maje, Majic, MaKay, Maks, Mamés, Mannes, and Manox.

† Pronunciation for Mack: M as in «me (M.IY)» ; AE as in «at (AE.T)» ; K as in «key (K.IY)»

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